
If you don’t know what makes you different then how will your customers? Many entrepreneurs waste their time trying to create a business in an area where there are already established products. They seem to think that just by being better, quicker and/or cheaper they can build a sustainable business. […]

How to stand out in a cluttered market?

            If you Repair the Leaks Customers will come! Most business owners believe that the single key to a successful and profitable small business is their ability to generate a substantial number of new leads for their business. “My business would be humming if I […]

7 Reasons Your Business is Leaking Profits right now!

Source: By Chris Nobbs Many of the planned exits from a business require that a valuation be undertaken.  Naturally when you do this you will be getting guidance from your accountant but it can be very helpful to understand the basic methods used to value a business.  These include: The […]

How much is my Business Worth?

One of my favorite subjects is “no-brainer” marketing.  I call it no brainer because even though it is fundamentally easy, so many business owners simple DO NOT DO IT!  Now there are internet gurus out there that will tell you that the attention paradigm has shifted, that the consumer wants […]

AIDA – No…not the opera, it’s a marketing strategy!

Client Nurturing Programme Remember Perceived Indifference? Well Client Nurturing is a systemised way to show your customer that you do indeed ‘care’ about them. Most businesses will say and do nice things, but it won’t be planned nor organised and especially, it won’t be effective. A Client Nurturing Programme is about ‘systemising’ […]

WOW! Customer Service. Does it Exist?

Why is it that school teachers measure the performance of their students on a regular basis? Why do sports teams or elite athletes regularly measure many aspects of their performance everyday?  The answer is simple. You don’t know what you don’t know! Put simply it is near impossible for you […]

The Why and How of Measuring in Your Business!

Source: By Chris Nobbs Every one of your marketing tools needs a headline. Headlines get attention, make your message easy to read, get your main selling points across, and lead your customer to a sale. Use a short three word headline for classified ads. Use headlines frequently in your web […]

The 7 Ways to Write Headlines That Will Get People ...