Daily archives: 25/03/2010

Why is it that school teachers measure the performance of their students on a regular basis? Why do sports teams or elite athletes regularly measure many aspects of their performance everyday?  The answer is simple. You don’t know what you don’t know! Put simply it is near impossible for you […]

The Why and How of Measuring in Your Business!

At ABC Business Coaching we refer to lead generation as “The Marketing Tap”.  Most business owners believe that all they have to do to increase their custom is to turn on the marketing tap (spend money on advertising) and business will come their way.  It’s not that simple.  The reason […]

Lead Generation: The 1st Profit Driver

Commonly referred to as USP, the Unique Selling Proposition can also be known as Unique Selling Position, Unique Marketing Advantage, Competitive Edge Analysis, or any number of ‘tri-letter’ acronyms. The bottom line is that, whatever it’s called, the USP is the thing which sets you apart from your competitors: Establishing the […]

Differentiate or Die! Discovering your USP!

Host Beneficiary In my opinion, and if done well, Host beneficiary or HB promotions have the potential to be the best type of marketing that anyone can instigate. The way they work is simply, one business approaches another business that has a similar but non-competitive client base and promotes their […]

The Perfect Host

    When ‘selling’ something whether it be by direct face to face, over the counter, print or vision or so on, no matter what medium, you must ensure that you follow the principle of FAB: Many small business owners will let them selves down at this point because they […]

Features…Advantages…Benefits = “Chi-Ching”