The Final Word on The Stock Market Rollercoaster
Source: ...or is it? Look, after a brave showing it appears that the stock market is settling. Let me reiterate - how brave! What's certain is the instability will affect small business - your small business. Just how much is anyone's guess. At these times it pays to keep a level head and do everything possible to maintain an equilibrium in business. Watch the balance of creditors to debtors and continue to be canny in your marketing. Let's turn it over to Anneli Knight from The Age who has some interesting and worthwhile advice for us small business operators... What to do…
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Why a Rate Rise Will Only Take House Prices Higher
Source: In an effort to present balanced views on topical issues todays article is from Now Crikey are an unbiased, non-aligned news agency. These days it is difficult to not read news that espouses editorial from the political leanings of its owner(s). I believe we should strive for a balanced view (even though I am a screaming lefty!). The housing situation is crazy. Prices and rents continue to escalate. Rents increase with every quarter % point interest rate increase. It almost feels like the petrol collusion that takes place in this country on a weekly basis. Prices increase along with all the excuses…
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Franchisors vs. Franchisees – Pistols at Dawn!
Source: OUCH! Calling all disgruntled franchisees. All the poor and unfortunate franchisees that believe they are not getting what they paid for when they signed "their life away". You finally are being heard. Check out this article in todays Age newspaper. Franchisees call for code change. At ABC Business Coaching we are franchisees and franchisors. If you want to compare the ABC franchise model with the "typical cookie cutter" franchise you would find them poles apart. We simply do not run our franchises like others. One fundamental difference is that we, as business owners (franchisees), support each other as a team. …
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News Corp enters Yahoo fray
Source: Wall Street Journal If you have a look at our recent posting on the ABC Business Coaching Blog you will see some comments made about the size and reach of MySpace. Is it any wonder that Microsoft wants to own it. Sure we may have supposedly moved on to more sophisticated social networking but the mere fact that MySpace is the figurative size of a large country is grounds to throw rather large wads of money at it. And now...we have Rup and the News Corp monolith running after Yahoo and it subsidiaries. Oh, the humanity! Read on News Corp enters Yahoo fray
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Beware the Life Coach Who Offers to Fulfill Your Dreams
Greetings, I came across this article and thought it appropriate news for anyone looking for a Life or Business Coach. My reasons for including this article vary. I am an accredited Life Coach, sanctioned by the global governing body, the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Often the lines between Life and Business are blurred. I find that my Life Coaching accreditation coupled with business building experience to give me the edge over many of my competitors. Anyway, this article is a good read. Credit where credit is due, the author of the article is Jennifer Shelby Long. Enjoy Beware the Life Coach Who Offers to…
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Make The Most of Mentoring!
Source: The Age. Jane E Fraser WOW, Great article. You know why? Because it gives a strong and relevant argument for business coaching/ consulting/ mentoring. In my experience business owners do not go about looking for coaching and mentoring. Generally speaking coaches have to knock down doors, ask for referrals and nurture prospects in order to work with a business owner. Articles like this are written by independent observers and ultimately support what we do. Therefore I include it here for any business owner considering seeking advice. Enjoy! Troy Deag Make the most of Mentoring
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New Queensland Government Grant “Jobs Assist” for Queensland SMEs
Source: Chris Nobbs Director - ABC Business Introducing a new Queensland Government Grant that has just started targeted specifically at small and medium sized businesses across Queensland. The grant program is called JOBS ASSIST, and quite simply it gives businesses who qualify the opportunity to get a grant of up to $8,000 from the Queensland Government (Stage 1 - $3,000 to get their business assessed to identify opportunities to improve performance; and Stage 2 - $5,000 to get coaching/consulting help for 3 months to improve actual performance and/or focus on fixing a specific business challenge). The Jobs Assist Grant initiative is helping businesses weather the…
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