Calling all disgruntled franchisees. All the poor and unfortunate franchisees that believe they are not getting what they paid for when they signed “their life away”. You finally are being heard. Check out this article in todays Age newspaper. Franchisees call for code change.
At ABC Business Coaching we are franchisees and franchisors. If you want to compare the ABC franchise model with the “typical cookie cutter” franchise you would find them poles apart. We simply do not run our franchises like others. One fundamental difference is that we, as business owners (franchisees), support each other as a team. We do not compete with each other. We actually reside in the same office and often brainstorm our client’s challenges.
Now, here’s where it gets particularly different to the norm – we often coach our clients together. WHAT? We often coach our clients together. There are reasons for doing this. One of the best reasons which benefits both parties is we often get better results in shorter time frames. Sure we share the purse however we share the kudos, we share the referrals and we share the spirit of teamwork.
Think about it… I reckon we are not like franchises at all.