Yearly archives: 2018

Written by Catriona Pollard The only car accident I’ve ever had was when I managed to reverse parallel-park into a telephone pole on a busy Sydney street. As I’m due for a new car, I was quite excited when I saw an ad showing the Ford Focus Titanium reverse parallel-parking […]

Start monitoring social media, or don’t use it!

If you don’t know what makes you different then how will your customers? Many entrepreneurs waste their time trying to create a business in an area where there are already established products. They seem to think that just by being better, quicker and/or cheaper they can build a sustainable business. […]

How to stand out in a cluttered market?

                By Jim Collins 1.  Quality Executive Leadership Leaders have Personal Humility Leaders show Professional Will, almost fanatical Leaders show Workmanlike diligence – more plow horse, than show horse Leaders are Ambitious for the company, not themselves  2. First Who, Then What Getting […]


            If you Repair the Leaks Customers will come! Most business owners believe that the single key to a successful and profitable small business is their ability to generate a substantial number of new leads for their business. “My business would be humming if I […]

7 Reasons Your Business is Leaking Profits right now!